Rendcomb College Nursery

Thank you for taking the time to discover more about Rendcomb College's Cirencester Nursery and everything we can offer your child in their first steps into the world of education.

The Nursery at Rendcomb College is bright, spacious and designed specifically to enable the children to experience a wide variety of activities.

We fill the rooms with exciting, stimulating equipment which is put in place to enhance all areas of development. Our child-centred approach promotes the development of creativity, individuality and self-confidence through working in partnership with parents to provide the highest standards of nursery care. The children will experience activities, teachings and excitement, in a secure, happy environment, with the focus strongly on play.

Our staff work hard daily to ensure that activities are all well-tailored to every individual need for the children in their care, adapting them as necessary. With a high level of adult support and encouragement, the children work and play in small and large groups to enhance their learning experience.

Rendcomb College EYFS teacher and students reading a book

The school as a whole prides itself on its family atmosphere and this could not be more true than in our nursery. Combined with an unparalleled setting makes Rendcomb Nursery a truly unique and special place for your child to start their journey.

We would encourage you to come for a visit if you are interested in your child joining the Nursery, which can be arranged through our admissions team.

I look forward to meeting you and your child soon.

Kim Mason
Head of EYFS